
Jacobs RL, Ramirez DA, Andrews CP.
Validation of the Biogenics Research Chamber for Juniperus ashei (Mountain Cedar) pollen.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2011 Aug;107(2):133-8. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2011.04.009. Epub 2011 May 14.

Jacobs RL, Harper N, He W, Andrews CP, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, and Ahuja SK.
Responses to Ragweed Pollen in a Pollen Challenge Chamber Versus Seasonal Exposure Identifies Allergic Rhinoconjunctivitis Endotypes.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2012 Jul;130(1):122-7.e8. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2012.03.031. Epub 2012 May 1.

Jacobs RL, Harper N, He W, Andrews CP, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, and Ahuja SK.
Effect of confounding cofactors on responses to pollens during natural season versus pollen challenge chamber.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014 May;133(5):1340-6, 1346.e1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2013.09.051. Epub 2013 Dec 9.

Ramirez DA, Andrews CP, Rather CG, Jacobs RL.
Responsiveness to timothy grass pollen in individuals without known natural exposure in an allergen challenge chamber.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2015; 114(3): 226-32.  doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2014.11.006. Epub2014 Dec 19.

Jacobs RL, Andrews CP, Ramirez DA,  Rather CG, Harper N, Jimenez F, Manoharan M, Carrillo A, Gerardi M, Esch RE, He W, Ahuja SK.
Symptom dynamics during repeated serial allergen challenge chamber exposures to house dust mite.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Apr;135(4):1071-5. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.09.047. Epub 2014 Nov 11.

He W, Jimenez F, Martinez H, Harper NL, Manoharan M, Carrillo A, Ingale P, Liu Y, Ahuja S, Clark RA, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, Andrews CP, Jacobs RL, and Ahuja SK.
Cockroach sensitization mitigates allergic rhinoconjunctivitis symptom severity in patients allergic to house dust mites and pollen.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Sept; 138(3):658-666. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.02.041. Epub 2015 May 28.

Ahuja SK, Manoharan M, Harper NL, Jimenez F, Hobson BD, Martinez H, Ingale P, Liu YG, Carrillo A, Lou Z, Kellog DL, Ahuja SS, Rather CG, Esch RE, Ramirez DA, Clark RA, Nadeau K, Andrews CP, Jacobs RL, He W.
Preservation of epithelial cell barrier function and muted inflammation in resistance to allergic rhinoconjunctivitis from house dust mite challenge.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2016 Sep 19. pii:: S0091-6749(16)30971-X. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2016.08.019. [Epub ahead of print]

Jacobs RL, Ramirez DA, Rather CG, Andrews CP, Jupiter DC, Trujillo F, Shulman DG.
Redness response phenotypes of allergic conjunctivitis in an allergen challenge chamber.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017 Jan; 118(1): 86-93.e2. doi: 10.1016/j.anai.2016.10.023.

Ahuja SK, Manoharan MS, Harper NL, et al. Preservation of epithelial cell barrier function and muted inflammation in resistance to allergic rhinoconjunctivitis from house dust mite challenge.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2017;139:844-54.

Jacobs RL, Ramirez DA, Rather CA, Andrews CP, Jupiter DC, Trujillo F, Shulman DG. Redness response phenotypes of allergic conjunctivitis in an allergen challenge chamber. Ann Allergy
Asthma Immunol. 2017;118:86-93.

Pfaar O, Calderon MA, Andrews CP, et al. Allergen Exposure Chambers (AEC): harmonizing current concepts and projecting the needs for the future – an EAACI Position Paper.
Allergy. 2017;72:1035-42.

Ellis AK, Jacobs RL, Tenn MW, Steacy LM, Adams DE, Walker TJ, et al. Clinical standardization of two controlled allergen challenge facilities – The Environmental Exposure Unit and the Biogenics Research Chamber.
Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2019;122:639-46.

Smith AM, Harper N, Meunier JA, Branum AP, Jimenez F, Pandranki L, et al. Repetitive aeroallergen challenges elucidate maladaptive epithelial and inflammatory traits that underpin allergic airway disease.
J AllergyClin Immunol. 2021;148(2):533-49

Smith AM, Ramirez RM, Harper N, Jimenez F, Branum AP, et al. Large-scale provocation studies identify maladaptive responses to ubiquitous aeroallergens as a correlate of severe allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and asthma.
Allergy. 2021;DOI: 10.1111/all15124.

Pfaar O. Bergmann KC, Bonini S, Compalati E, Domis N, et al. Technical standards in allergen exposure chambers worldwide- an EAACI Task Force Report.
Allergy. 2021;76(12):3589-612


Structural Characteristics and Validation of Biogenics Research Chamber to Juniperus asheii (Mt. Cedar) Pollen

Structural Characteristics and Validation of Biogenics Research Chamber to
Juniperus ashei (Mt. Cedar) Pollen

High Correlation Between Responses to Juniperus ashei (Mountain Cedar) Pollen in a Pollen Challenge Chamber versus Seasonal Exposure

High Correlation Between Responses to Juniperus ashei (Mountain Cedar)
Pollen in a Pollen Challenge Chamber versus Seasonal Exposure

Symptom Comparison of Out-of-season Chamber Exposure to Short Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) to Natural Exposure to Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) Pollen

Symptom Comparison of Out-of-season Chamber Exposure to Short Ragweed (Ambrosia artemisiifolia) to
Natural Exposure to Giant Ragweed (Ambrosia trifida) Pollen

Juniperus Ashei (MC)Pollen Utilized as an Allergen in The Biogenics Chamber: Comparison of Natural and Controlled Exposure

Juniperus Ashei (MC)Pollen Utilized as an Allergen in The Biogenics Chamber:
Comparison of Natural and Controlled Exposure

Validation of Biogenics Research Chamber for Elicitation Abstract #766 of Symptoms to Dust Mite Antigen

Validation of Biogenics Research Chamber for Elicitation of Symptoms to Dust Mite Antigen

Validation of Biogenics Research Chamber for Elicitation Abstract #766 of Symptoms to Dust Mite Antigen

Baseline Predictors of Symptom Severity
Following Exposure to House Dust Mite in an Antigen Challenge Chamber (ACC)


Ramirez DA, Rather CG, Harper NL, Carrillo AR, He W, Andrews CP, Ahuja SK, Jacobs RL
Exposure to Juniperus asheii (Mt. Cedar) and Virginia Live Oak pollen in a pollen exposure chamber elicits similar symptomatology when compared to natural season.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013; (Abstr.) 131(2):AB49 (Supplement).

Jacobs RL, He W, Harper NL, Andrews CP, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, Ahuja SK.
Heightened response to Quercus virginiana (Virginia Live Oak) during natural season exposure versus pollen challenge chamber exposure: role of co-factors.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013; (Abstr.) 131(2):AB76 (Supplement).

Harper NL, Castiblanco J, Rather CG, Andrews CP, Ramirez DA, Jacobs RL, He W, Ahuja SK.
RNA-Seq-Derived whole ge­nome transcriptomic profiling following challenge to Mt. Cedar in a pollen challenge chamber uncover novel insights into allergic rhinoconjunctivitis pathogenesis.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013; (Abstr.) 131(2):AB40 (Supplement).

He W, Carrillo AR, Harper NL, Jimenez F, Martinez H, Ahuja SS, Rather CG, Ramirez DA, Andrews CP, Jacobs RL, Ahuja SK.
Exposure to Juniperus asheii (Mt. Cedar) pollen in a pollen challenge chamber elicits changes in white blood cell counts and cytokines in Mountain Cedar positive and negative subjects.
J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2013; (Abstr.) 131(2):AB45 (Supplement).